Having realized that bloodshed was necessary in establishing his father's kingdom, King Solomon found himself dreaming one night in a place called Gibeon. In that dream he had an open conversation with God. He acknowledged his inadequacy in being ruler of the great nation of Israel and compared his immaturity as a leader to that of an ignorant child. His request was simple, just "give me an understanding heart, (literally a hearing heart), to judge Your people, and to discern between good and evil." It was a genuine honest request that pleased the Lord. So Solomon was granted "wisdom, and very great discernment and breadth of mind, like the sand that is on the seashore." (I Kings 4:29) Along with the gift of wisdom, God chose to give him riches and honor like no other king and if Solomon chose to walk righteously, God would prolong his days. Then he woke up. Wow, talk about a mind-blowing experience, I wonder if upon awakening, Solomon suddenly had all the answers . . .
It would appear that he did, for it was recorded that his wisdom surpassed Eastern and Egyptian thought. He was wiser than the most wise men known at that time like Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, Calcol, and Darda. He could speak of nature, about the tallest trees, the smallest vines, the animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. All peoples from all nations came to just hear him, his fame was so widespread. He's credited with 3000 proverbs or wise sayings, and 1005 songs. Yet with so much that is given comes much accountability. . .
God in His wisdom doesn't always give us exactly what we ask for. Probably that is why He only allowed one man, Solomon to be an example before us of what can happen when we are given an abundance. It doesn't take us long to want more, to take what had been given by God, and grow it for our selfish gain and power. There's something about being able to boast and show off all your worth. For Solomon it was the accumulation of wives and concubines, along with horses and chariots to show his power, military strength and prowess. All of those things eventually will bring about his demise, and even with all of his wisdom, he'll seem to be ignorant of what can save him. Perhaps he forgot that in the dream, God told him if you walk in My ways, keep My statutes and commandments, then your days will be prolonged. God's gift of wisdom doesn't ignore the "if's" of righteous living.
It would appear that he did, for it was recorded that his wisdom surpassed Eastern and Egyptian thought. He was wiser than the most wise men known at that time like Ethan the Ezrahite, Heman, Calcol, and Darda. He could speak of nature, about the tallest trees, the smallest vines, the animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. All peoples from all nations came to just hear him, his fame was so widespread. He's credited with 3000 proverbs or wise sayings, and 1005 songs. Yet with so much that is given comes much accountability. . .
God in His wisdom doesn't always give us exactly what we ask for. Probably that is why He only allowed one man, Solomon to be an example before us of what can happen when we are given an abundance. It doesn't take us long to want more, to take what had been given by God, and grow it for our selfish gain and power. There's something about being able to boast and show off all your worth. For Solomon it was the accumulation of wives and concubines, along with horses and chariots to show his power, military strength and prowess. All of those things eventually will bring about his demise, and even with all of his wisdom, he'll seem to be ignorant of what can save him. Perhaps he forgot that in the dream, God told him if you walk in My ways, keep My statutes and commandments, then your days will be prolonged. God's gift of wisdom doesn't ignore the "if's" of righteous living.
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