I relaxed on the couch with a cup of steamy hot chocolate. Putting my feet up, my buddy Goldyn joined me after I granted him permission. He took full advantage of my offer by sprawling across my lap and legs. He was so furry and warm, which I welcomed on this unseasonal cool Spring night. His freshly washed coat was cuddly soft and he smelt so good, that I enjoyed just burying my head in his neck . . . Oh, how I love great big dogs!
But he didn't get that way by himself, because earlier that day he had to have his bath. Now, Goldyn loves the water, in fact he readily gets in the pool, even up to his chest during cold winter days. But just like a kid who tries to avoid soap and water, Goldyn instinctively seemed to know what was coming when the green big tub arrived on the patio. It was going to be a challenge for me and for him as this was the first time I wouldn't have my son to assist. I carefully planned my strategy, figuring a way to keep him leashed until I was ready to suds him up. I chuckled as I watched his pre-bath antics from the kitchen window. He paced around, realizing there was no escape and then chose to lay partially behind a plantar with his back half toward me, perhaps he was thinking if he didn't see me, I didn't see him. I arrived with a warm tub of water, and with a bit of coaxing, pulling, and prodding, I lifted his front half into the tub. Of course, it was only a short lived victory as he figured how to step out, but that assisted me with my motive of keeping his hind end in the tub and allowing him to prop himself up on the edge. Once he assumed the position, we were ready to start, and then he relaxed and enjoyed the massage he was getting. Oh, to be a dog!
Sometimes, our anticipation or even fear of what we already know to do is so much worse than just doing it. We can make a mountain out of a mole hill. Life is getting up and doing what we should. We can trust our Master who created us for good that whatever comes today is okay. We don't have to hide or pull away or fight it off. For when we just trust Him, we find that a bubbly bath of joy and peace awaits us . . .
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