Suffering seems the winner these days. In the aftermath of another senseless killing of innocent victims, much closer to home, it's hard to begin to even fathom how a mother and father could forsake their newborn to go on a killing rampage. They brought life to their daughter and before she could have any self awareness, they brought death not only to others, but to themselves. I have pondered like many, what indeed were the thoughts of this couple, what had been stored up in their hearts, what wrongs or injustices were they seeking revenge for? Again, I am left with only my questions and no real answers, just lots of speculation and guessing . . .
Evil and righteousness have always been enemies. Throughout the history of human life there have been wars, massacres, genocides, and murder without cause. Peace and cease fires have only been temporary at best. Goodness often seems beat out by wrongdoing. It's a grim reality that has always been, despite those who like to say it is so much worse now. But even though we can rationally know those facts, it still challenges us to believe that Emmanuel, "God with us," is truly with us. How can God work within such a darkened, sinful world? How can His presence prevail?
I watched the video of the father with his six children surrounding him, lighting the Advent candle. I listened as he read the meaning of the lighting, emphasizing the hope of the season, the Hope to the world. Shouldering his youngest, attempting to calm two others from fidgeting and picking at one another, all while directing his oldest children in reading Scripture, I began to recognize that this was the man who had died that very week in the San Bernardino attack. Here he was, just 2 days before his untimely death, bringing light and hope to his church. I, along with others sat stunned in our chairs, as our pastor then told us that the man we had watched, was his very own nephew. . .
How ironic that those who bring light and hope are the very ones that darkness destroys. Yes, life has never been balanced in favor of fairness or justice, the "bad guys always seem to win." I'm not sure of the outcome of this shooting, and I may never know the answers. But for today, as this man's young widow has said, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. . . " (Psalm 61:2) I have to rest this all in the hands of a God I know to be loving, good, and near to the brokenhearted. A God who emptied himself and took on human flesh to be present in this world of muck and violence. A God who took on the weight of all evil and darkness, who gave Himself up as a sacrifice for all mankind. A God who so loved us. . . me . . .in spite of ourselves, in spite of myself. . .
I am to be like salt, enhancing the lives of those I meet and live with. I am to be a lamp filled with the light of His love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience and self control. I am to draw others to the warmth of His light within me. That can only be done by knowing that for today, in both the good and evil of life, He is with me, and I am His salty light. . .
Evil and righteousness have always been enemies. Throughout the history of human life there have been wars, massacres, genocides, and murder without cause. Peace and cease fires have only been temporary at best. Goodness often seems beat out by wrongdoing. It's a grim reality that has always been, despite those who like to say it is so much worse now. But even though we can rationally know those facts, it still challenges us to believe that Emmanuel, "God with us," is truly with us. How can God work within such a darkened, sinful world? How can His presence prevail?
I watched the video of the father with his six children surrounding him, lighting the Advent candle. I listened as he read the meaning of the lighting, emphasizing the hope of the season, the Hope to the world. Shouldering his youngest, attempting to calm two others from fidgeting and picking at one another, all while directing his oldest children in reading Scripture, I began to recognize that this was the man who had died that very week in the San Bernardino attack. Here he was, just 2 days before his untimely death, bringing light and hope to his church. I, along with others sat stunned in our chairs, as our pastor then told us that the man we had watched, was his very own nephew. . .
How ironic that those who bring light and hope are the very ones that darkness destroys. Yes, life has never been balanced in favor of fairness or justice, the "bad guys always seem to win." I'm not sure of the outcome of this shooting, and I may never know the answers. But for today, as this man's young widow has said, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. . . " (Psalm 61:2) I have to rest this all in the hands of a God I know to be loving, good, and near to the brokenhearted. A God who emptied himself and took on human flesh to be present in this world of muck and violence. A God who took on the weight of all evil and darkness, who gave Himself up as a sacrifice for all mankind. A God who so loved us. . . me . . .in spite of ourselves, in spite of myself. . .
I am to be like salt, enhancing the lives of those I meet and live with. I am to be a lamp filled with the light of His love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience and self control. I am to draw others to the warmth of His light within me. That can only be done by knowing that for today, in both the good and evil of life, He is with me, and I am His salty light. . .
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