Rain eludes us . . . still, despite the hope of a warm Pacific ocean ripe to spawn a rash
of ElNino storms.
Sun and drought are our norm . . . still, even if the showers flood us
out, as these storms won’t be cold enough to build up mountain snow pack.
So I find myself pedaling the hills with windblown
colored leaves pelting down on me, instead of chasing off cold winter
Clouds whether puffy or gray, hovering around the
foothills, look promising, but only sputter out a wet mist and rainy scent.
No, the expected is now unexpected. . .
Back in my kitchen . . . with Goldyn comfortably
sprawled out by my feet, I gaze at a backyard drier, but still alive and hearty
with productive growth.
Life is full of the expected . . . work, play,
pleasure, family times, and lasting friendship ties,
Yet, lived in the reality of unexpected losses,
hardship, pain, and lonely suffering broken hearts.
Yes, the unexpected too often turns out to be the expected.
. .
The Messiah promise fulfilled . . . silently slipped
into history, unbeknownst to those well versed in their religious tradition and
A royal national birth was expected . . . but
instead, a homemade manger made of hay in a stinky cattle yard, gave warmth to
the newborn Jesus babe.
Who knew that “God with us” would actually put on
human skin and live so simply that even his own family did not recognize him as
their King?
“God with us” labored as a carpenter, then led a
band of mostly fishermen to humbly serve with Him in bringing healing to the
lowly, poor and sick.
God the Creator, lovingly pouring out Himself
through Christ, showering grace and mercy upon His created beings,
The long awaited One, so expected but unexpected?
Our prayer for you this Christmas season is that in
every day, including the unexpected and unwelcomed ones, you will know that
“God with us” is ever present . . .
Present and active in every world event, through turbulent
and peaceful times, in the drenching rain and arid drought.
Jesus Christ comes to fill your heart with His joy,
His peace and everlasting life.
Expect it!
"Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name, Immanuel, which translated means,
'God with us' "
(Matthew 1:23)
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