I'm back! After months and months of empty pages, when I excused myself by saying that I had no time to write. No, I could not bring myself to write. But today, I'm ready to overflow the page with my heart and soul. It's always interesting to me how there is a definite season to write. Writing can never be forced, even if you want to express something at least for relief. It just won't happen, until it's time, just like you can't hold back the ocean tide. . .
For months, I have ridden in the waves. Or rather, I've been drowning in the sea, tossed and driven in the rough. When I thought that things were calmer and I was ready for the shore, another gigantic breaker would hit that forced me to dive directly into it or be pounded into the sand by my foolish self reluctance. Especially, in these summer weeks, I have felt caught in the rip tides of life. If you ever have been in one, there is no easy way out. You often have to go with the current as it takes you further out and then swim parallel until you can get back in. Recently, I felt I was swept by waves that were the backwash of a real tsunami. It is really hard to imagine and realize the power of such a wave. But I have seen enough with the world's recent disasters to humbly respect the power of the sea. . .
Yet, it is for this time that my Savior would have me be. I've realized being a person of control, I am no match for the rhythm of the waves. You can't hold back the sea. You have no control of an other's choices, even if that choice is unjust, unfair toward you. No, you may fight it for awhile, but the treading in the water quickly tires you. You only stand to gain muscle and stomach cramps. It's easier to lie afloat and let the wave surround you. . .
Lying back means trust, resting in my Savior's hands. Trusting that he knew this passage of life would hit and it would be okay. That is so amazing to me, that God in his infinite plan and care for me has said these breakers are OK for me. In fact, they will make me more like him. They will bring me grace and mercy that I could know no other way. Yes, they will be his blessings in disguise. . .
The other Sunday, we sang a song at church I had never heard before. It was about "walking on ocean waves." To be honest, I never equated walking on water as walking on OCEAN waves. That would seem impossible, yet that is the power of my Savior. He not only lifts my head up but can empower me to walk the mighty surf. So I'll walk with my hands and head lifted up, my eyes on him, and enjoy the sea that he's prepared for me.
"Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God."
(Isaiah 50:10)
(Isaiah 50:10)
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