Mmm . . . . Breathing deeply the morning air, I pushed back the sliding glass door. The sun was just beginning to wake up as it stretched out between the clouds. Gentle trade winds blew the pink puffs across the horizon in an orderly procession from east to west. The clouds lingered for a few moments, before they were pushed off the scene. It was a repetitious pattern, and I felt as if I was watching history march across the sky. . . .
I thought of what it must be like to be the Creator and watch your creation appear on the scene of time. The clouds seemed like kingdoms and civilizations that once made their debut but now were past. Their moments were very short when you put them in the line of life. In that instant, I became acutely aware of my mortality, and realized whatever good I do will be for such a wisp of time. Just like the clouds with the trade winds, I will be blown off this earthly scene, and easily forgotten. . .
No wonder God had eternity in mind when he created us. He knew that this life would fall so short, especially with time. Therefore, live in celebration of the One who gave you life, radiate His beauty and most of all His love, and enjoy the winds of life!
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