Some things never seem to change, even in spite of the fact that the new year is almost one month old. I wonder why I find myself stuck in circumstances or work that can easily frustrate me. When that happens, I am not a happy person to live with . . .
The other night I had the pleasure of eating out with my sister-in-law, and along with tasty food, the conversation was delectable as well. We got on the topic of gifts and circumstances, i.e. where we are with life. She told me a story about a certain gift she had received years ago that she initially had found no use for. It was a very nice pizza stone for baking given to her by her Mom. Thinking it odd and not knowing how to use it, she put it away for several years, until one day she took it out and decided to try it. She has since discovered how wonderful it is to bake with, not just for pizza, but cookies, and rolls. Now that she knows how to use it, she appreciates so much more the value of the gift she originally found so worthless. . .
So it is in life, we find ourselves in passages that often we are not sure how to navigate. The passages are not our ideal or the way perhaps we planned. Instead of seeing these times as a gift and embracing it, we complain and grumble. In some ways, we act like spoiled children receiving that unwanted present or the package that we just don't know what to do with. But if we would just take it out, try it, we may find that this time holds blessings and joy, and perhaps may be one of our best years ever . . .
I have passed this message on to several of my closest friends and family, "embrace the gift." I realize that I also must embrace the gifts that are in my life. Each time I wake up, I am given the gift of a brand new day, usually framed with an awesome sunrise and sunset. I have the gift of a forever faithful husband who loves me in spite of my cranky and unlikable moods. I have the gift of my son back home and the opportunity to be an encouraging, listening Mom to a young adult who's figuring out life for himself. I have the gift of loyal patients who see me year after year and allow me the privilege of caring for their health needs. I have the gift of endless choices in my life of 50 years and beyond, the gift of health, strength, yoga, and wonderful girlfriends.
Why, even Goldyn is a great big gift! He's a fine example of not knowing what to do with what we get. He was so different than any of my other canine buddies. Rescuing him from the local pound, I initially wondered if I could truly handle this Rottweiler mix. He was so nippy, so ferocious and strong willed. I had a definite challenge in grooming him for our home. But after several weeks of just being frustrated and mad at his antics, I decided I needed to learn his nature. Thanks to my favorite TV show, "The Dog Whisperer", and a magazine about Rotties, I discovered how to motivate him, how to be his pack leader, and how to enjoy the incredible, loving dog he's become. Who knew? Life is so much sweeter when we just embrace the gift!
Thank you, Mary, for sharing and I'm glad my little life lesson was a blessing to you. The pizza stone safely made yet another move (back to Arizona) and I continue to use it, always thinking of my mother (the giver)and how long it took me (3 years) to learn what a truly great gift I'd been given!