Lonely places are these quiet mornings when I am the only one awake. It is still dark and only twinkling stars greet me. As the sun begins to slowly arouse, I too begin my ascent on my upward walk and run. It is the habit that I have come to cherish, the ability to be in God's creation, while quieting my heart, my mind, my thoughts before him. There is something comforting in that lonesome space of time . . .
Jesus loved the solitude of the morning lonely place, as he communed with his Father for his strength and peace. There was nothing magical about the tremendous power he exhibited while he was here on earth. His power, just like my power and strength, came through time spent alone with God. As a person of 2011, I don't think we really get that. We busy ourselves 24/7. We view quiet time as wasteful and are always looking for the magic trick, the miracle cure, without taking time to think and pray alone . . .
God isn't about tricks and cures. He is relational and is always reaching out to us, especially in His word, but even through the warm sunshine that beckons me to look up on my morning walks. It is in these lonely places that I can find His source of power for me to live His way . . .
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