Sibling rivalry at its best, right in front of me, as I read through the opened pages. An older brother and sister voice their displeasure with whom their younger brother had married. And furthermore they reasoned, why did he have all the words from God to speak, weren't they just as qualified? Murmuring, grumbling, feeling passed over and probably a bit jealous, they were not wanting to play second fiddle in this task of leading their people to freedom. Their discontent was only voiced between the two of them, so they thought, but the passage tells me differently, "and the Lord heard it," (Numbers 12:2).
Critical speech and comments often come out of my mouth too quickly. They cut coldly into others opinion and leave a negative, defensive tone. Is it no wonder then that the conversation goes downhill from there, void of any meaningful discussion, and all because I think I know better. Unfortunately, I have tried this technique out with my siblings too, and other family members as well. Yes, it's probably discontent with my present circumstances or fear of being wrong or left out that cause my lips to snap and sneer. And the reality is, "the Lord hears it."
How can I ever be a person of love and warmth, if I harbor this critical coldness within? In the case of Aaron and his sister Miriam, they received a heavy confrontation from God Himself. He reminded them of the humility of their brother Moses, of his faithfulness, and of the very intimate relationship the two of them shared, "With him I speak mouth to mouth; even openly and not in dark sayings, and he beholds the form of the Lord . . . ," (Numbers 12:8). Fact was God had placed Moses in primary leadership and that was to be of no concern to his older siblings. Unfortunately, Miriam bore the consequence of leprosy for their critical words, but Moses' intervention and prayer, reduced the result to only seven days. Even though Moses bore the brunt of the criticism, he responded with grace and prayer for his accusers, "O God, heal her, I pray," (Numbers 12:13).
Critical coldness melts under humility and grace. Acknowledging that I could be wrong, and becoming a better or more of an active listener will assist me as well. There is no healing or soothing in the heart of a critic. So if I am to continue in new and restored life, Lord heal me too from this state of critical cold. . .
Critical speech and comments often come out of my mouth too quickly. They cut coldly into others opinion and leave a negative, defensive tone. Is it no wonder then that the conversation goes downhill from there, void of any meaningful discussion, and all because I think I know better. Unfortunately, I have tried this technique out with my siblings too, and other family members as well. Yes, it's probably discontent with my present circumstances or fear of being wrong or left out that cause my lips to snap and sneer. And the reality is, "the Lord hears it."
How can I ever be a person of love and warmth, if I harbor this critical coldness within? In the case of Aaron and his sister Miriam, they received a heavy confrontation from God Himself. He reminded them of the humility of their brother Moses, of his faithfulness, and of the very intimate relationship the two of them shared, "With him I speak mouth to mouth; even openly and not in dark sayings, and he beholds the form of the Lord . . . ," (Numbers 12:8). Fact was God had placed Moses in primary leadership and that was to be of no concern to his older siblings. Unfortunately, Miriam bore the consequence of leprosy for their critical words, but Moses' intervention and prayer, reduced the result to only seven days. Even though Moses bore the brunt of the criticism, he responded with grace and prayer for his accusers, "O God, heal her, I pray," (Numbers 12:13).
"The sneerer is not a healthy man;
though he be sleek in flesh and quite bright with a foxy brightness of eye,
there is no real health in the man:
for health is a question of the soul; it is the soul that lives."
(The People's Bible, Dr. Joseph Parker, p. 201)
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