The thunder resounded with a loud clap! Certainly, it came as an afternoon surprise. The expected rain seemed less than what was forecasted, but with the thunder came a bucket of heavy raindrops splashing against my kitchen window. I wanted to take it all in, the fresh aroma of falling rain and the beauty of water drops hitting the leaves of my nasturtium and petunia hanging baskets. Unfortunately, the rain cloud quickly fled, running away into the eastern sky. But then the sun made its way onto the scene, and I was drawn to a thick band of rainbow colors shining up at me. The western sky was magnificently orange, completely bound up tight with that solo color scheme. I went outside to catch it all before it would disappear. Creation again was causing me to pause in awe and wonder. . .
Awe is that reverential wonder, that even includes fear and respect. It is only a 3 letter word, but it takes bigger and grander words to define it. Yet, you know when you come face to face with the very thing that evokes that response in you. You are witness to something so much greater, more beautiful or fulfilling, that you are at a loss for words, and just have to stay silent in the moment. Taking a picture of the afternoon rainbow, didn't capture the whole expansiveness of it as it arched across the afternoon sky. Yet, I knew as I stood under the canopy above me, that I was in the sanctuary of God Himself.
The next morning, while shutting the outside gate. I was captured by a dainty, glistening chain hanging by itself on the very top bar. Water droplets had formed "diamonds" on the delicate spider web. How did that insect know how to create such art? Who teaches the spider to weave? And how do the raindrops stick on such fragile threads? Awe once again was my only emotion and thought, even with the lowliest aspects of nature.
And yet I wonder, why are these moments of breathlessness with beauty or palpating heart with something way beyond my comprehension so far and few between? Has modern society clouded my vision to see God at work, each and every day? Perhaps God is reminding me again, to look up, look around and take in His awesomeness. Silently, quietly He is ever present . . .
Perhaps that is the true Christmas reminder, to truly be in awe of Jesus our Savior. No doubt those shepherds were struck with awe and wonder, even fear and trembling when surprised by that angelic host in the sky. So shaken by that sight, they had no choice but to go into the Bethlehem city and see the baby spoken of. Their excitement and joy extended to all those awakened by their news. Awe seems to be contagious, calling out to us to "come and see."
As I end 2023, I want to be more open and curious to what God is doing in my day. I want to look for those moments that cause me to pause and reflect on His goodness, His compassion and grace. I want to be in awe . . .
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