I don't know why it has taken me so long to write again, you would think with a pandemic and so much time at home that I would be back to writing daily. But not, and I feel very out of practice. Sometimes I am not sure why I am not better at accomplishing tasks, I would much rather go for a walk or a hike, or enjoy a swim, anything but doing a "to do list." So perhaps that is why I have even discovered with Gypsy Rose, that the best way to get her to walk with me, instead of me walking with her, is to let her leash loose, let go. . .
Gypsy Rose is now 13 months plus and has become a joyful doggy girl. She gets along great with other dogs, runs like a gazelle at the doggy park, swims like a fish, and is great with playing ball, with tennis balls or a frisbee. She has learned to sit, stay, come, and would probably be excellent if I was a more consistent leader. But in spite of me, she has been able to accomplish those things. The hardest and most frustrating thing for me, has been taking her on walks, and have her constantly pulling ahead on the leash. Yet, if I would turn her around, walk the opposite way, she could and would walk by my side, until we restarted our original route, and once again she surged ahead. Walking became tiring, until I got a great tip from my trainer.
It's amazing how a dog seems to instinctively respond to a trainer. Gypsy is no exception, she becomes like the model dog of obedience. The tip I learned was to teach her the command "wait" and most importantly, when doing so, letting her leash loosen. As long as I was holding tightly on the leash, she was pulling against me just as tight. If I kept it loose, told her "wait," if she sought to get ahead, she would begin to walk with me. Plus the added factor of "bombing" her with a water pillow if she resorted to former tactics, definitely solved the problem. Now, I am enjoying walks with her by my side, and though she does needs reminders, she is getting it. Smart girl that Gypser is! Or rather, finally I get it!
"Loosen the leash", such an easy thing to do, and yet how often I find that I tightly hang on to stuff and issues in my life. I know that I will be more effective by letting go, and loosening up. Maybe that is why, I have so enjoyed this month of transition and summer time. I have given up a job that I have done for over 20 years and am getting ready to try my skills in a new city, a new office, a new practice. Much is unknown of the days to come. I really wanted to do a whole lot this month in preparation, but now down to the last week, I realize I filled my days with travel, with long walks, with cooking and baking, swimming, reading, and catching up with friends and family. Not many tasks noted in that list, but strangely I have had intense times of feeling deeply loved and refreshed, ready to truly put my former days behind me and take this leap. I just needed to finally let the leash that I had been pulled by for so long, loose. . .
I love the Palms Down, Palms Up prayer noted by Richard Foster. I am keeping it before me in all things, and in the meantime, I have loosened the leash and am walking on. . .
"Lord, I am not yet able to fully let this go. But I am willing to be be willing. I am relinquishing the idea that I can do this on my own, and turning my inability to surrender over to You. Only you can give me grace and growth I need to be able to surrender. I am open to receiving what you have for me, in your perfect time."
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