I suppose that during this time of the COVID19 pandemic I should be blogging everyday. Certainly, there is much to ponder and write about. I am constantly reminded that I am living in "unprecedented times," days that haven't been seen for at least a century or more. I have reminded myself that actually my parents endured the same type of days. They were born in 1913 and 1915, so were little kids during the Spanish Flu; they endured the World War times, as well as the Great Depression. Perhaps those times did shape them in being frugal, hardy and enduring. Life wasn't taken lightly, but appreciated. Joy was having one another and being together. Perhaps that is one of the lessons I am to take from this time. . .
Masks are not about us. Masks aren't protecting us or rather me. A mask is a statement that I care about others. I care about them in such a way that I do not not want to give a virus, (so microscopic that I cannot even see it,) an opportunity to shelter in a neighbor, a family member or friend. I don't want to aid the spread of the disease even in my community. A reminder once again, that true life isn't about me. Life is lived among the living, not the dead. So why is something so simple, like wearing a mask, actually a question of personal rights being violated? When did we become so individualistic, so self centered, that we care only of "our rights" at the expense of others around us?
We are easily so self deceived. We have bought into a falsehood that "we deserve to have it all." Unfortunately, this lie has permeated our behavior for years, even spreading its roots in our churches and institutions. Church has just become another choice for a Sunday activity or outing, it seems to thrive only on celebrity or musical worship. But it can also be a harbor for those looking for a false validation that all is well with the status quo, when stormy seas rage all around it. It is a disgrace that even a church finds itself "discriminated against," because it can't hold in person services due to an outstanding public health issue. Really? You would rather endanger the lives of your congregants than to do the simple solution of streaming services?
Pastors and clergy need to begin to preach from Jeremiah and the prophets of old. God has something definitely to say about the injustices that His people have put upon themselves, others and even the land. God laments the behavior of His chosen that demonstrate oppression, deceit, lying and complicity. This is particularly loathsome as His people go about their empty rituals of worship. Maybe it's time to lay aside our masks of hypocrisy and listen to what God says as well as those who live and work among us . . .
"Amend your ways and your deeds . . . do not trust in deceptive words . . . if you truly practice justice between a man and his neighbor, if you do not oppress the alien, the orphan, or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place, or walk after other gods to your own ruin then I will let you dwell in this place. . . (but) you are trusting in deceptive words to no avail. . . every one is greedy for gain;
from the prophet even to the priest, everyone practices deceit.
And they heal the brokenness of the daughter of My people superficially by saying 'All is well, all is well;' but there is no peace. . . For My people are foolish, They know Me not; They are stupid children, and they have no understanding; they are shrewd to do evil, but to do good they do not know."
(Jeremiah 7: 3-8; 4:22)
Science is not our enemy. Caring for others is our responsibility. Calling out injustice and wrong is our duty. Lament and repentance is due. Wearing masks is the very least that is asked of us these days. Why is there even a question of doing the right thing? Mask up!
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