Questions seem to incessantly swarm through my head. I find myself even waking up in the middle of the night, wondering and pondering. I like to tell myself that there used to be a time when common sense and reason was readily available. But maybe not. Perhaps, we always have deceived ourselves with our self importance and bias. Where are the voices of wisdom and discretion? Where are they?
I am aghast of our current political and religious state. I am nauseated, disgusted, and repulsed by the justification that some evangelical leaders spew forth in defense of the most unchristian presidential nominee ever. I am ashamed that as Christians they feel they must support someone like this, so that hopefully they will get their power and platform in exchange. When or where, ever has there been precedent in God's Word, that in order to get the "righteous way," you support the evil one? Listening or reading their justification makes these leaders look even more foolish, and portrays them as power hungry and hypocritical. Jesus had words for the religious right in His day, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness. Even so you too outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matt. 23: 27-28) God doesn't need man's manipulation to demonstrate His power. What happened to those who have gone before us, the "cloud of witnesses" that the writer of the book of Hebrews praised for their faithfulness throughout great perils and dire times? Where are they?
Michele Obama spoke my heart the other night as she pointed out the terrible assault on women. The assault that causes no remorse or even pause for those still clinging to a hope for their way into the White House. Perhaps these leaders should review the history of their "Christian" nation, that in spite of "virtuous aspirations" for its beginning, it has evidenced oppression, slavery, genocide of the indigenous people, discrimination, and greed. Christianity is never displayed with power and rule, in fact as Psalm 2 tells us God's view of kings and government, "He (God) who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them." I wonder how can people be so incongruent? How can you claim to be a follower of Jesus and embrace evil standing right before you? Where are those who bear the cross, "not the good life, not the easy way", but bear the suffering, enduring cross of Jesus? Where are they?
We have reached a new low, the beam in our eye is similar to our Catholic friends. They silenced the sin of their priests preying on their people. The behavior of our Christian leadership plays out before our children, telling them it is okay to accept and embrace a character who proudly admits to assaulting women as long as that person "promises" that you will have your way and power in the world. In other words, its okay to sleep with devil as long as you get your way. To me that sounds very similar to the temptation Jesus faced in the desert, when Satan offered all the worlds power and governments to him, if only he would worship him. But Jesus responded, "Begone Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." (Matt. 4:10) I wonder, where are the ones who stand up to evil, where are they?
I often feel out of step with God's church right now. I will continue to distance myself from the religious rhetoric. I accept my path in this life as being His light, in the world of Babylon. I want to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus, living humbly and grateful for each day I have. I do not put my hope in worldly power. I will trust God in dark times, as well as in the days of goodness laid out before me. I will not be fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing. I will not fear; I'm done asking, where are they?
I am aghast of our current political and religious state. I am nauseated, disgusted, and repulsed by the justification that some evangelical leaders spew forth in defense of the most unchristian presidential nominee ever. I am ashamed that as Christians they feel they must support someone like this, so that hopefully they will get their power and platform in exchange. When or where, ever has there been precedent in God's Word, that in order to get the "righteous way," you support the evil one? Listening or reading their justification makes these leaders look even more foolish, and portrays them as power hungry and hypocritical. Jesus had words for the religious right in His day, "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness. Even so you too outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." (Matt. 23: 27-28) God doesn't need man's manipulation to demonstrate His power. What happened to those who have gone before us, the "cloud of witnesses" that the writer of the book of Hebrews praised for their faithfulness throughout great perils and dire times? Where are they?
Michele Obama spoke my heart the other night as she pointed out the terrible assault on women. The assault that causes no remorse or even pause for those still clinging to a hope for their way into the White House. Perhaps these leaders should review the history of their "Christian" nation, that in spite of "virtuous aspirations" for its beginning, it has evidenced oppression, slavery, genocide of the indigenous people, discrimination, and greed. Christianity is never displayed with power and rule, in fact as Psalm 2 tells us God's view of kings and government, "He (God) who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them." I wonder how can people be so incongruent? How can you claim to be a follower of Jesus and embrace evil standing right before you? Where are those who bear the cross, "not the good life, not the easy way", but bear the suffering, enduring cross of Jesus? Where are they?
We have reached a new low, the beam in our eye is similar to our Catholic friends. They silenced the sin of their priests preying on their people. The behavior of our Christian leadership plays out before our children, telling them it is okay to accept and embrace a character who proudly admits to assaulting women as long as that person "promises" that you will have your way and power in the world. In other words, its okay to sleep with devil as long as you get your way. To me that sounds very similar to the temptation Jesus faced in the desert, when Satan offered all the worlds power and governments to him, if only he would worship him. But Jesus responded, "Begone Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." (Matt. 4:10) I wonder, where are the ones who stand up to evil, where are they?
I often feel out of step with God's church right now. I will continue to distance myself from the religious rhetoric. I accept my path in this life as being His light, in the world of Babylon. I want to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus, living humbly and grateful for each day I have. I do not put my hope in worldly power. I will trust God in dark times, as well as in the days of goodness laid out before me. I will not be fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing. I will not fear; I'm done asking, where are they?
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