With a great big smile, I opened the door to the UPS man. Finally, after all these years, a dream of mine was actually going to happen! All ten boxes were taped, labeled, and ready to go. I carried the last box out, after the others had been stacked and rolled to his big brown truck. I walked away with tears of joy and a prayer for the books to safely arrive at their destination. Mission accomplished!
After my Daddio had died, I decided to take home all of the extra books from his library that were not kept by my brothers. Dad always told me that his sons would get first pick of his library, but the leftovers were available for me and my husband. That resulted in many boxes that we brought through the hot desert on the U-Haul truck. For awhile, my living room and entry hall looked like a cluttered bookstore. There were so much sorting to do! I never realized the treasure my Dad had in his books. I just knew even as a little girl that Dad's books filled the cases in our dining room, in his bedroom, in the closet, and seemingly anywhere there was an extra shelf. For days, I often found myself reading a few passages here and there of the books I unpacked. I stacked and piled the "keepers" and the one's that I would give away. Daddio was a preacher and many of his books were to assist ministers in their special calling. Even though that didn't exactly fit my need, I found myself wanting to part with those books only in a place where people would appreciate them, just like Dad did. . .
So for awhile, the books just stayed packed in boxes in my attic. Awhile ended up being a long while of five years to be precise. Initially, I looked into donating them at a nearby college, but with the gigantic library already there, I really did not think they would be of much value. About the same time, through another organization that I had given before, I heard about a Bible College being rebuilt in Liberia, Africa. I was impacted when I read about the rebuilding of a school ravaged for 15 years when a dictator had ruled that country. My heart's desire even then was that somehow I was going to get my Dad's books there, someday. Meanwhile, I sought to find out as much as I could about Liberia, about this particular school, and began to support new students, as with time the college was able to open its doors again.
Yet, I lacked the link to get the books there, until now. On a Saturday, I was called. It was one of the best phone calls I had ever got! The good news was that the books were definitely needed, as a new library was opening up. So getting the books sent became one of my first new goals for 2012. With my son's and husband's strength, the boxes came down from the attic and once again filled the entry area of our living room. For the last time, I went through the boxes as I taped and sealed each one. I found myself praying that each book would bring hope and encouragement to students with so much less than what I've ever had. . .
So they're gone . . . all those books. I shut my front door and once again welled up with tears. There is something so rewarding on completing those dreams and desires that deeply dwell within us. In a way, it's like reading a big thick book that you had to put down so many times. You find yourself wondering if you'll ever be able to finish it through. Yet, as you persevere through all those pages, you truly cherish the joy and wisdom of the words. Then one day, you arrive and read the final page. With that, the book is closed. . .and all that's left is just your great big smile!
After my Daddio had died, I decided to take home all of the extra books from his library that were not kept by my brothers. Dad always told me that his sons would get first pick of his library, but the leftovers were available for me and my husband. That resulted in many boxes that we brought through the hot desert on the U-Haul truck. For awhile, my living room and entry hall looked like a cluttered bookstore. There were so much sorting to do! I never realized the treasure my Dad had in his books. I just knew even as a little girl that Dad's books filled the cases in our dining room, in his bedroom, in the closet, and seemingly anywhere there was an extra shelf. For days, I often found myself reading a few passages here and there of the books I unpacked. I stacked and piled the "keepers" and the one's that I would give away. Daddio was a preacher and many of his books were to assist ministers in their special calling. Even though that didn't exactly fit my need, I found myself wanting to part with those books only in a place where people would appreciate them, just like Dad did. . .
So for awhile, the books just stayed packed in boxes in my attic. Awhile ended up being a long while of five years to be precise. Initially, I looked into donating them at a nearby college, but with the gigantic library already there, I really did not think they would be of much value. About the same time, through another organization that I had given before, I heard about a Bible College being rebuilt in Liberia, Africa. I was impacted when I read about the rebuilding of a school ravaged for 15 years when a dictator had ruled that country. My heart's desire even then was that somehow I was going to get my Dad's books there, someday. Meanwhile, I sought to find out as much as I could about Liberia, about this particular school, and began to support new students, as with time the college was able to open its doors again.
Yet, I lacked the link to get the books there, until now. On a Saturday, I was called. It was one of the best phone calls I had ever got! The good news was that the books were definitely needed, as a new library was opening up. So getting the books sent became one of my first new goals for 2012. With my son's and husband's strength, the boxes came down from the attic and once again filled the entry area of our living room. For the last time, I went through the boxes as I taped and sealed each one. I found myself praying that each book would bring hope and encouragement to students with so much less than what I've ever had. . .
So they're gone . . . all those books. I shut my front door and once again welled up with tears. There is something so rewarding on completing those dreams and desires that deeply dwell within us. In a way, it's like reading a big thick book that you had to put down so many times. You find yourself wondering if you'll ever be able to finish it through. Yet, as you persevere through all those pages, you truly cherish the joy and wisdom of the words. Then one day, you arrive and read the final page. With that, the book is closed. . .and all that's left is just your great big smile!
Yes, my eyes were filled with tears also!