I am in the zone enjoying my morning run with Goldyn. Making my way down the hill along the horse trail, I finally have hit pavement again. I'm clearing my mind with the cool air I collide with. All morning I have given thought to "pause". I can hear my yoga instructor's voice as she assists us with our poses. We are to breathe in deeply, expanding our chest, and for a moment or so, p-a-u-s-e, before breathing out through parted lips. It's a discipline to wait with breath. . .
But next I find myself tripping on uneven sidewalk and sprawling forward on hands and knees looking directly up at Goldyn's behind! Wow, I guess this is pause! Picking myself up, I survey my damage. One skinned knee and a hole in my sweat pants. My hands are fine thanks to the gloves I had on. So up I go again, running back home.
Yep, sometimes pause occurs in our life even when we don't expect it. The ability to wait, to rest, to be at peace with interruption runs contrary to our nature, especially living in modern society. Sometimes we only pause when we are laid out on a sick bed or find ourselves flat on a sidewalk. Yet, the key for our soul is pause. Finding those moments or times of silence and rest, allow us to accept the "disruptions" we face in our day.
Jesus often paused. . . withdrawing to a quiet, solitary place. It was in that habit that he communed with his Father and received his power to complete another day of ministry. Then he could deal with the pressing crowds and even welcome them. To pause is to purposely take rest, take time, stay put. . . and then breathe out all that you have received from only taking pause.
" . . . And taking them with Him, He withdrew privately (i.e. paused) . . . "
Luke 9:11
Luke 9:11
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