Many days have passed since I have written. Some of those were days of fatigue and darkness, but little by little, meaning and purpose has been returning to my life. I am not always sure why we have to travel such roads.
I had stayed late again at work to finish up the endless call backs and numerous forms to write. I like to leave my desk empty at night instead of facing the inevitable the next morning. But now I was ready to leave, even though the puffy gray clouds threatened from my office windows. It has been a week of strange weather---raging heat at 100 degrees plus---and now intermittent afternoon thunderstorms. I breathed deeply the fresh smell of rain as I went to my car. The days are getting shorter, as I realized even at 6 pm the sun was beginning to set. Pulling into our driveway, I knew I had a one more chore to do; put out the trash cans for the collectors tomorrow. Getting out of my car and looking east, I saw it . . .
Right there before my eyes was the most beautiful color in the sky! An awesome rainbow that seemed to grow more gorgeous as it's background darkened. Another one began to grow right beside it. I couldn't recall the last time I had seen such a glorious sight. Forget the trash for now, I had to capture it with my camera lens! As I was clicking away, it grew until I stood back and saw that it had completely filled the sky from end to end, a perfect bow! My neighbors joined the view, and we agreed that only a magnificent Creator God could paint such a beautiful scene. . .
Rainbows . . . I really needed to see that beauty. If I had returned any earlier, I would have missed the sight. I believe once again God was reminding me that He is faithful. He knows my days, my uncertainties, my unknowns, my silent and unanswered prayers. The rainbow was His sign for Noah, and now He leaves His sign with me . . .
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