It had to have been the most rundown house in the neighborhood. Neglect had left it faded, without windows and screens in the upstairs. A rusty garage door hung unevenly and the wooden fence that circled the house hardly stood by itself as it feebly attempted to conceal the backyard junkyard. It seemed to have been a host for various people, for there were always several cars parked out in front, although individuals were not often seen. But something now has changed.
They started by tearing down the old fence and filling dumpsters with endless stuff. A crew of people worked all day, digging, trimming, throwing out, from the inside of the house all the way to the outside yard. They scrubbed and painted quite quickly, and even within one week, change was evident.
It now looks livable with borders trimly etched. The rose bushes in the front have shown off their blossoms that were hidden so long by debris. New windows and frames, fresh paint for the stucco, a real back yard with grass and cedar fence, all make it now quite presentable and sell able.
Transformation at work, a process, not yet finished, yet to be complete by new owners that will one day move in. Transformation is a process even in my life as well; new design, redesign, a cleaning out of old thoughts and ways that may entangle my growth. Ultimately, new growth and vitality will come as I leave myself open to the Transforming One.
". . And have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. . ."
(Colossians 3:11)
(Colossians 3:11)
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