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The Narrow Way

I had the privilege of hearing again the pioneer of the Nurse Practitioner movement, Loretta Ford. As always, she spoke with inspiration, wisdom, and wit. She reminded me that power, control, and money rule the world; that is the arena in which the world has always played. It's similar to the arena described by Daniel, a prophet of old. He records the big three as militarism, materialism, and religion, which are actually disguised today as power, money, and control. Those three issues often keep us from doing what is right. . .

Too often I see that people do not want to give up power; we can talk of diversity, but when it comes to being truly sensitive and respectful of differences, we can do so to a point, as long as we don't lose our seat or place at the table. Of course, if we have money and all the stuff that it can buy (including friends) to back up our power, that always gives us a greater advantage, especially to threaten those who would dare take our place. Unfortunately, I think we have sold out in being so religious, so in control, that it's hard for us to welcome change, to even try and embrace something like health care reform, when we feel that we may lose too much. I am disappointed in how the people of the Way have walked in such a selfish, godless way. . .

The narrow path is lonely, it's a way of sacrifice. Today, Lord willing, I will choose to walk that road. I would rather walk genuinely unarmed, than to be whitewashed with hypocrisy . . .


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