At least seventy years had passed and a new King Belshazzar reigned. He was having a grand celebration with feast and festive drinking, when to his astonishment a hand appeared and wrote a message on the plaster of the candlelit wall. What on earth could that mean? His heart was faint, his knees and body trembled in utter fear, "get me the wisest of the wise men now!" But all those great minds could not decipher what it said or what it meant. The King's face grew paler and his heart now beat in panic, fear was all he felt. . .
Fear is basic to being human or being the created. Fear is universal and is found in every culture. It binds us together, sometimes keeping us stuck in unhealthy situations. It can inhibit and guard us from taking risks. Fear can become our excuse when we are unsure of change, failure or success. I have found to get past fear I have to look beyond, I have to see myself doing what I've feared the most, be it blogging, or stretching through new yoga poses, or letting go of past regrets. Each day is an opportunity to release my fear and truly live. Jesus feared and begged His Father to let that gruesome cross just pass, but He was able to look beyond to the glory set before Him and face it without fear. And that is how I want to live today, facing life unhampered by my fear. . .
Fear is basic to being human or being the created. Fear is universal and is found in every culture. It binds us together, sometimes keeping us stuck in unhealthy situations. It can inhibit and guard us from taking risks. Fear can become our excuse when we are unsure of change, failure or success. I have found to get past fear I have to look beyond, I have to see myself doing what I've feared the most, be it blogging, or stretching through new yoga poses, or letting go of past regrets. Each day is an opportunity to release my fear and truly live. Jesus feared and begged His Father to let that gruesome cross just pass, but He was able to look beyond to the glory set before Him and face it without fear. And that is how I want to live today, facing life unhampered by my fear. . .
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