34 years ago, at the age of 29, I married GQ on a snowy day in a little wedding chapel in Reno, Nevada. Many thought our marriage wouldn't last---a second marriage for both of us. But here we are, seven dogs later, a wonderful son and daughter-in-law, a house we've lived in for the past 26 years; differences abound, but still faithfully loving one another when all is said and done. I don't always get it, Lord, but indeed You have exceeded all my expectations these past 34 years. What will the next 34 bring? And here I sit with a "Kay Jeweler" package before me this early morning. A surprise for me as extravagant gifts have not been our thing. GQ is often a man of few words---but deep within him is a heart of solid gold. Thank you Lord for being so good to me these 34 years!! I'm recalling one of my mother's questions, she asked me long ago. "Is he good to you, Mary?" And I responded, "Yes, Mom, He's good to me," with full as...