I suppose that during this time of the COVID19 pandemic I should be blogging everyday. Certainly, there is much to ponder and write about. I am constantly reminded that I am living in "unprecedented times," days that haven't been seen for at least a century or more. I have reminded myself that actually my parents endured the same type of days. They were born in 1913 and 1915, so were little kids during the Spanish Flu; they endured the World War times, as well as the Great Depression. Perhaps those times did shape them in being frugal, hardy and enduring. Life wasn't taken lightly, but appreciated. Joy was having one another and being together. Perhaps that is one of the lessons I am to take from this time. . . Masks are not about us. Masks aren't protecting us or rather me. A mask is a statement that I care about others. I care about them in such a way that I do not not want to give a virus, (so microscopic that I cannot...