"Let me know," was the prayer of Moses after he had dealt with the reality of his people gone astray. He had just spent forty long days on a mountain top with God, and returned to those who had grown inpatient with his delay. They had sought to replace God with an imitation god of gold. The aftermath was ugly, the people had been punished, ring leaders had died, and now once again it's back to square one with developing people into sincere followers of the one true God. Moses hears that an angel will go before them as they set out for the promised land, but that is not the same as the presence of God going before them. He pleads, intercedes once again, humbly asking God to remember the favor He has shown to him in the past and wants to know that indeed God Himself will go with them. "Let me know," is the theme of his prayer. "Let me know." I have prayed the same. Part of the dilemma of being human is that we just don't know. We c...