I watched one of my favorite movies last night, Marley & Me . I immediately was drawn into the drama, laughing out loud one minute, and then moved to tears in the next. I even caught Jasmine watching and smiling at the TV screen. One theme for sure is the unpredictable reality of life, as things don't always go as planned, even if we start off with a written plan as Jenny does in the movie. Years later, when asked by her husband John if she is happy that her life didn't go according to her plan, she responds by saying, "it's so much better than what she could ever have imagined." I too, like Jenny, always had a plan in my head how life would go, but it didn't go according to plan as I thought either . . . Today is the 10th year of my Dad's death. Somehow, no matter how old you become, you always think that your parents will be there. Once they are gone, you find yourself as an adult orphan. You wonder if you can navigate life wit...