With a great big smile, I opened the door to the UPS man. Finally, after all these years, a dream of mine was actually going to happen! All ten boxes were taped, labeled, and ready to go. I carried the last box out, after the others had been stacked and rolled to his big brown truck. I walked away with tears of joy and a prayer for the books to safely arrive at their destination. Mission accomplished! After my Daddio had died, I decided to take home all of the extra books from his library that were not kept by my brothers. Dad always told me that his sons would get first pick of his library, but the leftovers were available for me and my husband. That resulted in many boxes that we brought through the hot desert on the U-Haul truck. For awhile, my living room and entry hall looked like a cluttered bookstore. There were so much sorting to do! I never realized the treasure my Dad had in his books. I just knew even as a ...