What is it like to give words and warnings that are mocked and scoffed at? What is it like when your message is filled with the most unpopular words? What is it like to spend your whole life speaking words that no one wants to hear? Jeremiah was a prophet sent by God with his only mission in life to speak God's Word to a people who willfully would not accept anything that he said. In fact, they became so enraged with what he had to say that they planned to kill him. Ironically, the very people that show the most distaste for him were the religious leaders and priests. The book of Jeremiah, chapter 26, plainly recalls this story. Jeremiah stands in the Lord's house, and confronts the people and priests with God's message. The message is that you the people have not been listening to God's Word, you haven't followed in the way of God's law and you haven't listened to the many prophets that have been sent to you again and again. So reality is...