Standing on the edge of a long awaited Promised Land, the words of Moses rang out, "Hear, O Israel. . . " A new generation of people born from former slaves had only known life in a wilderness, living on manna and witnessing the presence of God with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Life had not been easy those 40 years, it was truly a test of survival. Yet even their clothing had not worn out, nor did they evidence any marks of near starvation. Miraculously, they lived and though tiny in number, their reputation of their God made surrounding nations fear them. But like us, they too often grumbled and complained about their life situations, and tried to take matters into their own hands and ways, thinking God had forgotten them or rather that they knew better. For times like that, Moses stood in the gap between them and God, and intervened on their behalf, reminding God of His great love and compassion for this very people . . . and God ...