Digging deep down into the centuries of Jewish history, you will find the birth of Ichabod. He was the grandchild of Eli the priest who is more well known for his mentoring of the boy Samuel, who would then become a great judge and prophet for the people of Israel. But the sons of Eli were worthless fellows and didn't know God or even follow in His ways, although they did perform as priests. Consequently, the day of reckoning arrived, and both sons, Hophni and Phinehas were killed by the enemy Philistines. The ark of the co venant of God was captured as well, and without it, the very symbol of God Himself, the people were sure to be do omed. When this news is told to Eli, he f al ls over backwards and br ea k s his neck "for he was old and heavy." (I Samuel 4:18) The tragedy continue s for when Phinehas' wife hear s the news of her husband's and father-in-law's death, she immediately goes into labor, giving birth to a son. But instead of mate...