Hungry and very ready for lunch, yet knowing it was time to pray, Peter went up to the housetop to do so. Being a devout Jew, he continued his habit of prayer three times daily, even though he now pursued his faith by being a follower of Jesus, his risen Lord. He fell into a strange dream, one in which the sky opened and a great sheet unrolled before him. Creatures of all kinds,animals,reptiles, and birds appeared upon this backdrop. Then to his horror, a voice told Peter, "Get up, kill and eat!" Peter responds "No way Lord! I have never eaten anything unholy or unclean!" Don't you know Lord, I am a good Jew? But the voice gave a puzzling answer, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy,"(Acts 10:15). As if once was not enough, this dream repeated itself three times, and Peter awoke perplexed, and probably without his appetite. . . Revival is coming to our church or at least three special services are being held for such....