Pitch blackness greets me this early morning. The daylight hours tell me that Fall has begun, but the Summer heat appears to have not received that message. September seems to be even hotter than the traditional "dog days of summer." Yesterday afternoon, I caught a bushy tailed squirrel seeking relief from the edge of our pool, lapping up the water as if it were his last chance to ever quench his thirst again. Even Goldyn prefers our indoor air conditioning to his outdoor spots of shade. I made my way up the road, feeling the sun's intensity piercing through my back, but it was balanced out with a gentle, easy blowing breeze. I pondered the past days as I pedaled at a steady pace. I was weary from the week of work, the never endless electronic medical records in which you are constrained to instantly reply or then at home must continue to complete. Gardening tasks remain undone, as once again the weeds are winning in the front flower beds. Why do they thriv...