Glenny, Jerry, and Bobby were the brothers of my Mother Verna. I'm not sure why she seemed to always attach a "y ending" to their names, but it stuck with her and even them, regardless of their grown up years. She also did it with my brothers, Johnny and Petey. Maybe it was just a term of loving endearment in her big sister and motherly role. No doubt it has happened once again this past week, as she welcomed her baby brother Bobby into his heavenly home. . . Uncle Bob was probably the one brother I knew best from Mom's family. Growing up, it seemed that we didn't always have a chance to spend a lot of time with her side of the family. Grandma had died in her mid 50's of breast cancer, and although I was told that I was named after her, I arrived too late to ever have known her. I only see her in the picture hanging on my wall. Times spent with Grandpa and Uncle Jerry were limited due to lack of accommodations in their home....