One of life's greatest blessing is to be understood. There is something within us that desires a relationship with others in which there is mutual understanding. Without it, we can feel frustrated, depressed, and despair. Being misunderstood makes us feel alone. Sometimes, we try to manipulate our reality and others in it to bring that sense of understanding. But manipulation never holds up. Life is what it is . . . I hadn't thought He came from a family that misunderstood Him. Certainly, his mother knew who He was. After all, she was given an angelic message of this Special Infant she would bear. Yet, I do not think she got the whole picture or knew how this would all work out. No doubt she often wondered about her eldest Son. What was He really up to? The rest of the family, especially the brothers, seemed to think He was totally misguided and perhaps a bit crazy. The miraculous works He seemed to perfor...