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Showing posts from May, 2010

House of Memories

I woke up to such a beautiful day, the sun was already brightly shining through the bamboo shades. It was a glorious day for a walk and run with Goldyn. He was just as eager as I was as we started out. The views were clear and invigorating, and I felt like I could run forever. . . The warm sunshine was a long-awaited welcome for summer days ahead. I savored everything I did in the sun, watering my flowers, planting the freshly sprouted cucumbers, and pulling out the cushion for my favorite lounge chair so I could completely stretch out. The best part came toward the end of the day, when a gentle breeze swooped in and slowly dimmed the sun. I love the twilight air, I sat down with Goldyn by my side and then let all the memories pass before my very eyes . . . A couple of days before, the 27th of the month was my Mom's birthday. It has been eight years since she has passed, and it seems so long, but then not really. I still see her wonderful grin and the brightness of ...

High Places

Today was the day for my bike ride, but a hasty wet rain had made me postpone my trip. Now the sun was out again, the gray clouds pushed aside, and so I started down the street that glistened like gold from the sun rays that beamed in front of me. The air was fresh and brisk, all the plants, flowers, and trees had perked up with their morning shower of rain. Even the birds seemed to be singing cheerier now, as if they had just cleared their throats. Once again before me lay my lonely stretch of road that I discovered actually dead ended into a horse ranch. It was surrounded by beautiful thick brushy foothills or high places. I wondered as I pedaled up, what is it about high places that we seek them out so much? Two kings emerged. One was the rightful king, the heir of the former king, but he seems to exhibit way too much testosterone in establishing his throne. Not to be outdone by his father, he unwisely rejects the advice of the elders, and listens to his own ruthless cro...

Bureaucratic Injustice

I love sitting at my kitchen table eating hot oatmeal pancakes with fresh maple syrup. I'm gazing at my tall proudly pink hollyhocks growing in my yard. I plant flowers in my garden that hold memories for me, and hollyhocks are pictures of summers spent with my Granny in Peoria, Illinois. They grew in the ally that fenced her backyard and also in between her driveway and her neighbor's. They were multi-colored and festive, and my Dad showed me how to take a bud and place it on an upside down bloom to create the perfect hollyhock doll. I would make a collection, and have them all swirl around as if dancing at a ball. But the best thing about hollyhocks that I have noticed is their resilience. They grow with little care, they don't need much water to grow stately, they withstand the winds, and even bloom when all they have are just a few strands of stem. That's like my Granny who lived to the wonderful age of 107 years. She too was strong even in imperfect c...

A Divided Heart

All is not well in the midst of much. It was only a few chapters previously when we were told of King Solomon's love for God. Yet, years later after making and building a magnificent kingdom and residence, his heart seems dull in doing wise and just actions. Instead, his desire is caught up in getting more gold, in loving more women, and seeking other things, other gods and idols. Now, Solomon receives his final visitation from God and is told that all that he has gained will be ripped from him and his descendants. Out of the 12 tribes that made up his kingdom, only one will survive. It's survival is only because of God's decision and grace, not because of Solomon. It's a sad ending for what started out with so much promise, hope, and prosperity. The wisest man who always had the wisest wit apparently falls silent when he hears this final word. There is no record of his thoughts or words of response. Wise words alone are no match for unwise actions. . . I w...

Blinded By The Bling

The gold just poured into the kingdom like a relentless waterfall. It came as gifts from foreign kings, as well as regular shipments that were set up for trade. There was so much gold that the weapons and shields could be made of the precious metal, even everyday dishes and drinking cups. There was so much gold that it out-valued silver. But note that the silver shining in the kingdom was so plentiful it was like ordinary stones tossed about. And the bling didn't stop there, there were luxurious garments, fabrics, weapons, spices, horses, mules, ivory, apes, and peacocks! Wow, it must have been heaven to live in King Solomon's house! But the shiny bling blinds the wisest king, as he forgets the God who gave him life, wisdom, and his throne. His heart becomes complacent and even less devoted. It happened then, it happens now. There is something so enticing about having riches and glittering stuff, that men will kill and die for it. It seems to promise power and cont...

Wise Words Vs. Wise Actions

I always am somewhat envious of those who have such wise things to say, especially in circumstances of "speak now on your feet." I have realized over the years that I am much better to hear what is being said, and then have time to think and answer after I have pondered what was being said. Then I am able to respond with sense and clarity, and perhaps a bit of wisdom. But words are not what really matter. . . really. In the end, it's what we do, it's action that really evaluates any wisdom we would hold. The case in point for which this truth is seen is the life of King Solomon. He was the wisest of the wise, and so famous, he must have been one the greatest celebrities of his time. The Queen of Sheba decides to pay him a visit, because she has been quite impressed with all that she has heard. Why not sit at the feet of the wisest person known to man and get all of your "whys" and "how comes" answered? Just coming into his magnificent ...